How do I get started?
In order to successfully access the NYAIP Online System, you must:
2. Submit a test application and a test temporary ID card
Upon successfully completing these two steps, you will then be able to produce temporary ID cards and to
submit the new application form using the NYAIP Online System from the Login/Home Page.
How do I fill out and submit the online application form? and print an associated ID Card?
After successfully registering to use the system, and submitting a test application
you will then be able to submit the online application form and produce temporary ID cards.
Filling Out the Form
Key producer information into the Login/Home Page.
When the Account Information page appears, click on the Processing Options: Create an application.
When done keying all the application information, Submit Application button.
If you receive the error response page:
- Review all the errors and press the web browser BACK button to fix your keying mistakes.
If you receive the binding/congratulations response page:
- Press the Click here to get your application button.
- If you requested an ID card, press the Click here to get your ID card button.
- Print the application. Print the ID card(s) if your requested.
How do I print an ID Card without filling out an application form?
After successfully registering to use the system, and creating a test
ID card and submitting a test application you will then be able to produce
an ID card.
Filling Out the Form
Key producer information into the Login/Home Page.
When the Account Information page appears, click under Processing Options: Create an ID card.
Key policy, registrant, and vehicle information provided by the registrant.
When done keying all the ID card information, review the keyed information on the
confirmation page and press the Submit ID Card button.
If you receive the error response page:
- Review all the errors and press the web browser BACK button to fix your keying mistakes.
- To resubmit the ID card, press the Submit ID Card button on the confirmation page.
If you receive the congratulations page:
- Press the Click here to get your ID card button.
- Print the ID card.
What happens if the keyed information doesn't print on the PDF form?
In the Adobe Reader:
Choose File > Print.
Click the print as image check box.
Click OK
What happens when I receive an error while trying to retrieve or print the form?
There are two possible solutions:
- Adobe Acrobat reader was not installed properly. Try reinstalling it.
- File space might be an issue, so try clearing up some disk space, by deleting some obsolete files.
Once this issue is resolved, you can reprint your application and/or temporary ID card(s), by accessing the Inquiry/Reprint tool.
How do I change my current password?
After logging in, click under Account Information: Change password, and follow the instructions.
How do I retract/reverse an application? an ID card?
In the event you have transmitted an online application to the NYAIP and, within 48 hours of that transmission have determined that you
will not be submitting the paper application for assignment, you may retract the transmission provided you have informed the applicant and
have received both original blue copies or all bar-coded copies of ID cards issued to the applicant in connection with the application.
To retract an application select ""Retract an application"" when you have successfully logged in to PASS.
- ID cards do not need to be retracted. However, you must retrieve all ID card(s) associated with your
retraction request and complete the Flat Cancellation form. This form confirms you have
informed the applicant that all copies of the ID card(s) must be returned and the ID card(s) cannot
be used to obtain registration.
Retractions should be an exception to the norm since you should not transmit an online application unless you
have first:
- determined you are unable to secure insurance for this applicant in the voluntary market
- secured the required deposit from the applicant
- secured all necessary supporting documentation IE, careful driver certificates, driver verification, etc.
What do I do when some other software (Microsoft Front Page, Microsoft Visual InterDev, etc.) is brought up rather than Adobe Acrobat Reader while retrieving the application form?
Try reinstalling Adobe Acrobat Reader. If that doesn't work, go into
My Computer (found on your desktop):
- Choose View, Folder Options
- Click on the File Types tab
- Find the Adobe Acrobat Forms Document and click on it. (If you can't find this, then the Adobe Acrobat Reader probably needs to be reinstalled)
- Click on Edit and set the Content Type (MIME) to application/vnd.fdf
- Click Ok and exit My Computer
- Once this issue is resolved, you can reprint your application by accessing the Inquiry/Reprint tool
Are there any vehicles whose VINs will not be successfully validated by the system?
Yes. With some exceptions, vehicles that fall into one or more of the following categories cannot be properly validated:
- Vehicles with a model year prior to 1966
- Farm equipment
- Trailers
- Transit Buses
- Boats
- Kitcars
- Vehicles that have not been sold in the United States
- Low volume, high priced vehicles
What should I do if the system won't acept my vehicle VIN?
Recheck the vehicle information that you keyed to be sure it is accurate.
If your vehicle falls into one of the
specialty categories,
or for some other reason it is still not accepted by the system, you may choose to
override the VIN validation. Keep in mind that in order to override VIN validation,
you must supply a reason.
Why did the vehicle, year, make and/or VIN change after my VIN was validated?
VIN validation attempts to standardize all vehicle makes to internally-used make codes. In addition, VIN validation attempts the following character
substitutions in an attempt to derive a valid VIN:
- 0 <-> O
- 1 <-> I
- 2 <-> Z
- 5 <-> S
- 6 <-> Z
VIN Validation also attempts to determine the appropriate year and make for the VIN that has been entered.
What should I do if the system changes the vehicle year, make, and/or VIN that I entered to values I don't agree with?
You can override VIN validation if you do not agree with the year, make, and/or VIN that is determine by the system. You must supply a reason
for the override.
Why are name fields limited to 20 characters on temporary ID cards?
DMV regulations determine that collective name fields (such as registrant name) on the temporary ID cards must be limited to 20 characters,
including any spaces between name fields. Producers must abbreviate any names which exceed the 20 character limit
How are driver's license numbers verified for the temporary ID cards?
Only New York driver's licenses consisting of nine digits will be verified during temporary ID card processing. The driver's license number validation
will consist of a check digit routine that verifies the sequence of numbers.
For temporary ID cards, how do I abbreviate fields such as ADDRESS that are too long to fit in the allotted number of spaces that the software allows?
(Note: This information is taken from the NY State Insurance Department website.)
Street Names:
- If the address is too long for the 20 spaces, omit the street type first.
EXAMPLE: 16497 Metropolitan Street EDIT AS: 16497 METROPOLITAN
- If the street name is still too long, remove vowels starting from the last letter of the street name. If the name ends in two vowels, start omitting vowels from the last consonant.
EXAMPLE: 14040 W Humphreysville Road EDIT AS: 14040 W Humphreysvll
- If the street name is a word which has an accepted abbreviation, such as the name of the state, you should use that abbreviation.
EXAMPLE: 1575 Massachusetts Avenue EDIT AS: 1575 MASS AV
Apartment and Room:
- Abbreviate apartment as APT, AP or A (as space permits) and place it after the address.
- Use a space between the street address and the apartment abbreviation, but do not space between the apartment abbreviation and the apartment number.
- Abbreviate room as RM. Use RM the same as you use APT.